2300 Shattuck Avenue, Berkeley, CA
The Corder Building is a City of Berkeley landmark located at Shattuck Avenue and Bancroft Way in downtown Berkeley. The project restored the facade and its interior spaces into ground floor retail with offices on the upper floors. Work involved coordinating the building's seismic upgrades, obtaining zoning entitlements for a 20,000 square foot pharmacy use, establishing new ground floor and office tenant demising walls New elevator lobbies and a large canopy were designed between the Bancroft Way office entrance and the annex building. Restoration of the facade involved new storefronts, creation of a new corner entry, replacement of tile bulkheads, and more lively exterior paint colors.
2005 DBA, Downtown Berkeley Association: Excellence in Design Restoration Award: The Corder Building, 2300 Shattuck Avenue. Remodel and adaptive retail use.